Sunday, June 26, 2005

Time for change

For as long as I've had this blog I've classed my occupation in the 'my profile' section as 'Loafer'. That kind of summed up my status when I started the blog, and my attitude for most of my life.

But in the past few months I've been working 3 jobs at a total of 45 hours a week, and only getting paid for one of them. This is hardly the lifestyle of a loafer, so let me explain...

I've been trying to get on to a uni course which required evidence of enthusiasm and dedication, so I've been doing 2 voluntary jobs to show how much I want it. And it worked, because I got into my second choice uni alhamdolillah and I start in September inshallah (woo hoo!).

I haven't left the country in 8 years and I need a holiday, so I'm doing a crappy paid job to fund a trip around South East Asia in the summer.

So if I can't call myself a loafer anymore, I'll have to think of something else. Retired loafer makes me sound old, and semi-loafer suggests a lack of dedication to the art of loafing.
Any suggestions would be welcome.